Hire Charges

Hire Rates 2024

Main Hall
37' x 55' (11.5 x17m)
£13.00 per hour before 6pm
£15.00 per hour after 6pm
£17.00 per hour - commercial bookings
(Includes Tables & Chairs & limited Crockery)
Meeting Room
10' x 16'
£9.00 per hour
£11.00 per hour - commercial bookings
Bar£10.00 per occasion
Exclusive use for sale of supply of alcohol, which can only be served from the bar.
No charge when shared with other hirers for light refreshments.
Wedding£550.00 - all day exclusive use plus
£250.00 - returnable deposit
Hire of Crockery £40.00 per occasion
Hire of sound cupboard Lead hire £10 for surround sound system
Standard Events£20.00
All Day Events£50.00